originally reviewed at
mightylewry.wordpress.comcore 3.5 out of 5
This is a quick read that will happily fill your lunch hour. It shows the story of actually a good man other than the burglary thing, hatch a plot with his cellmate who has mental health issues for him to escape and be there with his wife for the birth of their first child.
The story is well written and the characters believable and fully realised. As this was based on a true story I would expect nothing less. However I find it exceptionally hard to believe the actual events happened this way. However Lynda mentions in the foreword that this happened sometime ago and prison systems have since been upgraded. this is a distinct relief as I cannot believe there wouldn’t be a wide media charged scandal if these events happened today.
The story focuses primarily on the relationships and there isn’t much about prison life, this is a plus for me I have seen and read enough about prison life and it was a nice change to focus on the mindset of inmates rather than the surroundings. This is a great read and if there is artistic licence used it works well.